Learn to achieve your goals and objectives

After you clarify what you want, set your goals and move to specific action steps, much depends on your self discipline, determination, and ability to take action. At this goal achieving stage you can move on much faster if you adopt a warrior mindset.

Among the most qualified people to learn goal achieving strategies and tactics from are Navy SEALs. Indeed, when achieving your goals and reaching your targets becomes a matter of life and death, when you have to think fast and move fast, and all under extreme conditions, you cannot afford anything less than hard-tested and proven principles of attaining goals and objectives.

When it comes to goal achieving, to becoming unstoppable, the most helpful advice I got was from former Navy SEAL Richard J. Machowicz in his book Unleashing the Warrior Within: Using the 7 Principles of Combat to Achieve Your Goals.

Personal goal setting main page
A solid personal goal setting system is the key to effective time management and life planning. Setting personal goals wisely, you get a sense of achievement, sustain motivation, and reduce stress.

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Practical information and advice on various personal time management and goal setting topics.

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